Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Let us switch off lights at our place on 26th March 2011 (Saturday) for just one hour from 8.30pm. This is one of our ways to support the Earth Hour programme.

“Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.” (

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Music Royalty

Do you understand what music royalty is?

For me, artists, composers, lyricists and recording companies will only get their royalty when people buy their album.

That was my previous knowledge about music royalty. Now, it expands.

Those who involve in music industry not only obtain income (royalty) through the sold album.

They also obtain money when any premises, companies, public areas and so on use their music for public’s entertainment.

In an example, a restaurant which using music during it business hours must have LICENCE that can be obtained from licensing body recognized under the Copyright Act of 187 (Act 332).

If they don’t want to pay for the licence, then they will be fined.

The problem is not all know about it.

In Malaysia, there are three licensing bodies which their responsibility is to collect royalty:

  1. Music Author’s Copyright Protection (MACP) Berhad

  1. Public Performance (M) Sdn Bhd

  1. Performers and Artistes Rights (M) Sdn Bhd

Leave your comment about this topic^^

I’m dreaming…

It’s fun to have at least one dream in our life.

Mine??? Hmmm…I’ve a lot of dreams that I’m going to achieve this year or maybe next years.

What are those dreams? Well, I’ll list down one by one^^

1) Have a very good income every month to achieve my next dreams.

2) Upgrading my SLR.

- From Nikon D40 to an advanced SLR. I hope so. I’m not a beginner anymore.

It’s been 4 years I’m using SLR. I think I could be a better photographer now.

3) Traveling…..where???

- Definitely to South Korea…I think you know why right…^^

The Power of Sapphire Blue

Every time I listen to this song, I’ll have mix feeling…

Happy because I already saw SUJU live.

Sad…I only can meet them only once a year.

I wish that I could be their manager…^^

What I like most?

Hmmm…I love entertainment very much but I still have the limit.

As long as I don’t forget my responsibility as a Muslim, daughter and “someone” to others around me.

My favourite channel…I choose KBS (More than You Imagine) ­^_^

Other than Korea

Well…I’m not only focusing on Korea.

I do care about other topics or issues around me…business, nation, sports and so on.

I always make sure that I watch Buletin Utama on TV3 every 8pm till 9pm.

Compulsory except I’ve other things to do at that time.

For me, it is important to know current issues that happen inside or outside Malaysia. Be prepared to be a good young generation by adding knowledge into you mind.